John Hancock

He was the American Revolution leader in 1737-1793

He was a signer of.  the declaration

ownes the second continental congress

authority American colonies

John Hancock

British government began

governor of Massachusetts colinal Massachusetts

Hancock used his wealth and influence aid

when the Declaration of Independence was adopted and born

john hancock

Pearl Harbor

President Roosevelt called the day December 7,1941 which lived in imfamy.

Enjoy the imformation.

Arizona,Oklahoma,California,West Virginia, and the Navada,Helena,Blue,Henley,Hull,.

Rewright information on Pearl Harbor

Long ago they started calling it the ”USS Memorial.

Have you got any of the innformation written down.

Are you wright on what they called it they called it “The Attack Of Pearl Harbor.

Read more on Pearl Harbor.

Before 8 a.m on December 7,1941 hundred of Japanes planes attacked the U.S.

On that Day they manged to attack.

Right the hero of that day was Doris Miller.


attack of pearl harbor

Red ribbon week




Last week was red ribbon week.It means a lot to all of use because we might have a loved  one in are family that did that.The reason we do red ribbon week is because we are trying tpo have fun while provinting not to do drugs.We call it drug free week.This is how we do drug free week we wear diffrent things every day of the week.On Monday we get to wear a red shirt.On Tuesday we get to wear a Wo shirt.Wensday we got to wear a hat.Thursday we got to wear a tie die shirt and dring a stuffed animal.Friday we got to wear are Halloween costom.That is what i know about red ribbon week.I hope you are going to say no to grugs becase i am.



Last week was red ribbon week.That is were you get to wear funny stuff.That is my favorite week in school.

















Colonial Life

Hi my name is Aaliyah.I work in the colonial life is a basket maker.I will tell you a few facts about my job.First you need to cut down younge trees.Ash,Hickory and willow workes well also.Some of them were strong some were light.I would have to cut the wood into long splints.Did you know using a mallet,you can flatten it then they wqill be soft.I had to seperate layers of wood with a large knife.After that i flattend them again.Next i wove the basket from the bottom.Well there is more i had to let it soak up,then strip the wood,and to form a basket side.Also i had to wove the strip over and undet the spokesin rows.Finally i made the rim and handle.That is my job and it is alsome.


The reason i would live in Jamestown is ,because i can see what it looks like and how it really feels like to the people that lived in Jamestown that had a hard time.I read so stuff about it and it sounded like you will have a lot of stuff to experince that is cool or harse to.That is the reason i would live in JamesTown.

My life in 5th grade

My life in 5th grade is so fun and i have very nice teachers.I have a lot of people that try to tell me all the stuff i need to know.I did not know that 5th grade was going to be so fun.I learn all about  history and reading,science.Also about my life in 5th grade is that we all are a team and we need to stick with each other  and we need to b e kind to each other and not bully.Because we need to know all the stuff that the teachers are trying to tell us what we need to know in are life and we are going to need to know.

9/11 refletions

My 9/11` is that it was very sad and that there’s a lot of people that lost family members.I’m glade that i have fireman that love us and that went up there and risked there life to safe us.So i fill like i need to pledge to the flag more because that is showing them how much we love then for helping us and people in the twin towers.When i was 7 my mom told me about it and she tells me to pledge to the flag when i hear it and when i was it.I started crying because of all the people that lost there life.When i saw it on tv i asked my mom if it was true she said yes that is true. that is my refletion to 9/11.