Enviorment is clean
Allowed to keep stuff clean
Rights to clean up
True that you can recycle
Help keep earth clean
Don’t drop stuff on the ground
Act of kindness cleaning earth
Your envirment need to be clean
Enviorment is clean
Allowed to keep stuff clean
Rights to clean up
True that you can recycle
Help keep earth clean
Don’t drop stuff on the ground
Act of kindness cleaning earth
Your envirment need to be clean
What i learned about was the kids life during the IR. The kids had very hard life back then they could of lost a finger of two maybe even a hand or foot. You couldn’t go to school you had to go work and put your life at a big risk. They had to work 12 hours a day. Most kids did not go to school so most people were not very smart they could not read wright or do anything. Some girls went to school girls were able to go to school but the boys weren’t able to go but the girls still had to work they had to miss school sometimes just to go to work.Both the girls and the boys got payed 64 cents a day but it helped out a lot with the rent. That is what i learned about child labor.